Thursday, August 27, 2015

A sweet time was had at The Promised Land (Charlotte TN)

At this historic site, in the midst of beautiful countryside we had excellent attendance from a diverse array of wonderful souls. This event was all about the youth and jr. youth and in the main, the adults sat back and enjoyed the beautiful show, involving an ecology and society themed original play by Yasmin(sp?) and quotations on the two themes of the environment and the unity of religious truth. We also had wonderful singing and instrumental performances. This experience was beautiful, warm and uplifting. We were extremely pleased to see Jackson youth show up. We would love to see them often including Kenny who I remember meeting at the recent Youth Retreat in Monteagle!
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Sunday, August 02, 2015

March 27th at Larry's house

What an awesome time it is always it Larry's.  I wanted to be in the picture too so I put my giant head in there as I took the picture - weird effect but at least everyone is there.  :